“Comfortable” is a deceptive word. On one hand, who doesn’t want to be comfortable? Being comfortable with who you are usually means that a person is satisfied with the way they look or act behind closed doors.

Everyone wants shoes that are comfortable, a bed that is comfortable or clothes that are comfortable. So, how can the word “comfortable” be deceiving?

When someone is comfortable, it can also mean that they are complacent. Spouses who get too comfortable in their relationship can all too often take each other for granted. Becoming too comfortable at an unfulfilling job can also lead to a life that is less than ideal.

Being too comfortable in a career, a relationship or any other area in your life is also another way of being stuck or trapped. However, you don’t have to be stuck in the rut of an unfulfilled life.

How often have you had thoughts like these?

  • “My job may not be great, but in these tough economic times I’m just lucky to have one.”
  • “There is never enough time in the day to get everything done that I need to.”
  • “My marriage/relationship isn’t as good as it should be, and I know my he/she is never going to change, so what’s the point in trying to change the relationship?”

Staying stuck in an unfulfilling job, business or relationship can cost you time, money and more importantly – it can cost you by diminishing your quality of life. Changing jobs or spouses isn’t what I’m telling you to do in order to get “unstuck.”

Change can and should start from within.

How does that happen? You can read self-help books. You can watch instructional videos. However, the best way many people have made that significant change in their life was to consult a professional life coach.

This type of quality assistance can help change your mindset, which in turn can help you overcome obstacles and make them something that will help you grow instead of get you stuck more deeply in a tough situation.

Too many people who are stuck in less than ideal situations feel like they have to get their personal life in order before they can get their professional life back on track, or vice versa. However, because they are inter-connected, without even realizing it both end up being addressed at the same time.

A professional coach will help you establish or strengthen what should be the four cornerstones of your life – integrity, excellence, sincerity and honesty. These cornerstones will help you lift yourself out of the personal and professional ruts in which you may be stuck.

When you are getting the most out of your personal relationships, your professional life is much more fulfilling. Challenges that might normally bring about stress tend to be looked at like as more of a bump in the road instead of being seen as a dead-end street.

When you have a healthy balance in your professional life, you put yourself in a position to get the most out of your business skills. Whether you work for someone else or own a business, professional balance allows you to be more productive.

I’d like you to take a moment to complete a short exercise:

  • Mentally review all the areas of your personal and professional life.
  • Ask yourself where you have become “comfortable”
  • Write those areas down on a piece of paper.
  • For each area you wrote down, ask yourself: “Am I comfortable (fully enjoying that life area) or am I really being complacent (unwilling to exert the effort needed to improve that life area)?”
  • Be completely honest and then circle all the items in which you are really being complacent.
  • Now, tap into your power of choice today and choose to stop being complacent and start creating the life you really want to have by investing in yourself this year.

There may be an adage that says it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks. However, with insight from someone providing helpful and structured guidance, the tricks that you’ll learn will become second-nature and you’ll begin to experience more joy and fulfillment in every area of your life.

So, now that you’ve read   this article, how are you going to use this information to make 2011 a fantastic year for your life and/or your business?

Please take a moment and share your ideas in the comment section below.

Enjoy the rest of your day!  ~ Kris


About Kris Cavanaugh

Kris Cavanaugh, owner of ShiftTM, is a Speaker, Author and Coach who specializes in helping others cultivate a C.E.O. mindset in every area of their life so their businesses, careers, and personal lives thrive.  She is an expert strategist with an amazing ability to pull her clients through difficult challenges to obtain the life they truly want.

If you have a desire to live your life “on purpose”, so you wake up every day excited about the possibilities and maintain an unwavering belief that you will overcome any obstacles to achieve your personal and professional goals more easily, call Kris at 404-551-3601 or go to https://begintoshift.com.aepiph.dev/pages/MakeTheSHIFT to schedule your complimentary meeting today.

Kris is author of “Stuck to C.E.O.” (available on Amazon) at http://StuckToCEO.com/.

Need a Speaker?
Kris Cavanaugh is a Professional Member of the NSA (National Speakers Association).  If you or people you know are seeking speakers, panelists, or workshop instructors for any type of association, corporate, nonprofit or industry meeting, please contact Shift, Inc., at events@begintoshift.com.aepiph.dev.  You can learn more about Kris’ presentations at https://begintoshift.com.aepiph.dev/book-kris-to-speak-at-your-event.

1 thought on “How Being Stuck Can Cost You Time, Money & Quality of Life!”

  1. Being stuck is little like when a old fastener or screw in an item for the outdoors gets rusty. At first it held things together and did what it was intended for – maybe even comfortable, the word you used. Then the rust, causing the stuckness, causes some problems. The choices become ignore it and live with it, fix it or replace it. I suppose in your scenario “Staying stuck … can cost you time, money and more importantly – it can cost you by diminishing your quality of life,” pretty much would narrow things down to either a remedy or new solution. Either is – an investment in yourself. Thanks for the article.

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