Statistics and figures can help keep a business running smoothly, or they can help reveal areas of improvement. Numbers can be an effective way to help a business stay on track and target growth strategies.

However, while business people pay attention to business practices that are found in training presentations, seminars, videos and web content, they too often don’t realize simple areas where they are under-performing.

Here are five areas in which business people under-perform and often are not even aware of it:

No. 5: They often have an incorrect perception and focus – Whether it is in business or in someone’s personal life, their thoughts help to determine their future. One of the most successful public and motivational speakers in the world, Norman Vincent Peale, wrote a book called “The Power of Positive Thinking.” In that book, Peale emphasized how important a positive outlook is in a person’s personal and professional life. Said Peale: “When you have control over your thoughts, you have control over your life.” In addition to thinking positively about personal and professional goals, a person needs to understand what he or she can control. Too much time and effort is often wasted focusing on things that are out of our control. Know what you can control and what you have to let go of and trust that they will come out positively.

No. 4: They are often unorganized – Organization in both your personal and professional life leaves less room for error and reduces efficiency. Keeping a calendar and a schedule helps you remember appointments. Disorganization can lead to wasted time in searching your computer or office for misplaced documents or files. Being late for meetings or late on deadlines is also a byproduct of disorganization. One of the most renowned motivational speakers in the world, Zig Ziglar says this regarding organization and efficiency: “Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right thing.”

No. 3: They don’t get help and have little accountability – Most everyone knows that more can be done with teamwork, than simply doing it yourself. Some people with a “Superman Mentality” oftentimes think they need to handle things by themselves, rather than seeking help on a project or task. Getting assistance is an effective way to glean ideas from others, and being accountable helps you do what you say you’re going to do. When a person is accountable, it means that he or she is dependable, reliable and trustworthy. Accountability reduces the chance for errors, oversights and shortcuts.

 No. 2: They are not working from a prioritized plan – In business, time is money. If you are wasting time on unproductive tasks, your bottom line will be negatively impacted. No business operates without an organized plan, but people often fail to plan daily activities – in both their personal and professional lives. Starting each day with a plan is the best way to ensure that time is not wasted. People who fail to plan are sure to be those who plan to fail.

No. 1: They don’t know how to get “unstuck” – Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Too many people operate in a mode of doing something because “that’s the way it has always been done.” Eliminating barriers to productivity are much easier if businesses create an open and expressive environment. Allowing employees to take ownership of a task or job duty encourages them to create ways around challenges and barriers. For business owners, becoming “unstuck” can seem impossible because there is too much to do every day. There are many ways, though, to start a path towards breaking out of a rut. Changing attitudes, delegating authority and ensuring that there is a proper balance in personal and professional activities are just a few ways to help you get a fresh perspective.

Becoming more focused, organized and accountable doesn’t happen overnight. It is also more difficult for some than for others. One way to aid you in your quest to not make the above mistakes in both your personal and professional life is to utilize the services of an experienced coach.

Statistics from the American Society for Training and Development show that when coaching is added to training, employees’ productivity increases by 86%. Those statistics also revealed that more than 50 of 100 business executives who received coaching said that it increased the productivity of their companies.

It’s not too late to get started on a path of increased productivity. If you identified with any of these five areas, make a change today to improve your situation instead of feeling overwhelmed as though nothing will ever change.

So, now that you’ve read the article, how are you going to use this information to improve your life and/or your business/career?

Please take a moment and share your ideas in the comment section below.

Enjoy the rest of your day!  ~ Kris


About Kris Cavanaugh

Kris Cavanaugh, owner of ShiftTM, is a Speaker, Author and Coach who specializes in helping others produce more consistent results and increase their effectiveness through cultivating a C.E.O. mindset in every area of their life so their businesses, careers, and personal lives thrive.  She is an expert strategist with an amazing ability to pull her clients through difficult challenges to obtain the life they truly want.

If you have a desire to live your life “on purpose”, so you wake up every day excited about the possibilities and maintain an unwavering belief that you will overcome any obstacles to achieve your personal and professional goals more easily, call Kris at 404-551-3601 or go to to schedule your complimentary meeting today.

Kris is author of “Stuck to C.E.O.” (available on Amazon) at

Need a Speaker?
Kris Cavanaugh is a Professional Member of the NSA (National Speakers Association).  If you or people you know are seeking speakers, panelists, or workshop instructors for any type of association, corporate, nonprofit or industry meeting, please contact Shift, Inc., at  You can learn more about Kris’ presentations at

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