Greater Atlanta City Impact Prayer Gatherings

If you are seeing this page, that means someone invited you to one of our prayer gatherings which are focused on bathing our city impact initiative in prayer every week to lay the foundation for thriving communities across our city as we partner with Jesus within His assignments. :)

You’ll have 4 options to choose from based on your schedule (see below).  As always, the guideline is “come when you can and leave when you must” because we know everyone has a full plate.  

Join us as much as you are able to do so to pray in unity for the flourishing of our city! See you at one of them soon! 

Monthly Schedule

       Additional Information:

  1. If any of these land on a holiday, email Kris @ to see if it has been rescheduled to another day/time
  2. If you have trouble getting into a prayer meeting, let Kris know

1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00 AM EST (facilitated by Kris Castro)

2nd Monday of each month at 7am EST (facilitated by Jennifer Jackson)

3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 am EST (facilitated by Kenny Hill)

4th Monday at 8:30 am EST (facilitated by Michael Heckmann)