After another expected layover, here’s my latest video with an update on the car and a gift I received.   :)   Enjoy it! ~Kris



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1 thought on “G-d Adventure Sabbatical: Video – Car Update and Gift! (#15)”

  1. Continuing to lift you up in prayer Kris. thankful your car issue was so minor an allowed you time to pause and reflect on Him. Very thankful for ALL that have hosted you along the way. Real trust comes when the credit card is not there to bail us out. When you must fully lean on Him for the answer. 30 days will come, indeed. It always does. With interest. Most of us live in that reality…out of food…no money for a new tire…no gas for the rest of the month or to go see a grandchild. that is when we learn to pray and trust and prioritize! May God continue to meet your needs. Put away the credit card and listen for His provision. He will provide ! He always does !

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