My Name Is Kris Castro and this is my story of a Crisis of Faith, Brokenness, and Healing

Enjoy the short video below (feel free to share it online), then click on this link to watch my WATC TV 57 Interview about the back-story.

To purchase the book about my “crazy” adventure with Holy Spirit and Jesus across the country, click here: “Crazy” Might Be A Blessing In Disguise .

Click here to learn more about StoryDrive and The 3:15 Project

3 thoughts on “My Name Is Kris Castro and this is my story of a Crisis of Faith, Brokenness, and Healing”

  1. Really enjoyed your strong Christian perspective on The Daily Huddle this morning! Your answer to what do you tell yourself when you don’t get what you need/want was perfect! “There is always a reason behind what’s not working – trust Jesus!” Any thoughts on racial reconciliation? I am grappling with the human atrocities in our history – Trail of Tears, Holocaust, Slavery, Trayvon Marvin, etc.

  2. I love your story and meeting you today. You give me Hope and Courage and inspire me. God Bless You! You are a blessing to others!

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