Program & Product Options To Enhance Your Growth Journey

Marketplace Leaders, Ministry Leaders, and Team Coaching Programs:

Individual Programs as well as Group Programs are designed to discover how to forge new paths to be a catalyst for positive impact wherever God has planted you within your sphere of influence.

Executive & Leadership Coaching Programs will:

a) Help your company and team to begin performing like a gold medal athlete, giving you and your senior staff the freedom to create new strategies to reach your next level of success.

b) Allow your staff to have a clear understanding of how their daily responsibilities connect to the company’s long-term goals and take more ownership of their roles.

c) Support you to be a more effective leader and deepen client and staff relationships, leading to increased retention and profitability.

Individual & Life Coaching Programs will:

a) Help you reach your divinely designed potential, deepen your intimacy with the Lord, and cultivate a holy perseverance to overcome whatever obstacles you may encounter along the way, resulting in a lifestyle of bold risks, inner peace, joy, and fulfillment personally and professionally.  

b) Support you through rapid, yet intensive transitions to stay on top of your game.

Examples may include: New Responsibilities, Business Challenges, Promotions (or desire to develop better leadership skills to gain a promotion), Family Changes, Starting new businesses, Relationship Changes, or Moving to a new location and having to start over.