Life Is An Adventure with Jesus!

Build a Eulogy rather than a Biography :)

Shift, Inc. is a Christ-centered coaching, leadership development, and inspirational speaking business hub. With over 30 years of biblical leadership experience, we invite people and organizations to embark on an adventure resulting in rock-solid faith, a more consistent joyful attitude, and a thriving lifestyle that builds an eternal legacy rather than a temporal resume. Profound transformation and Kingdom impact are the outcomes from working with Shift Inc. 

Click Here to schedule a “Coffee & Conversation” meeting today to chat about the legacy and eulogy you hope to leave behind! It’s never too early or too late to begin!  :)

Hi!  I’m Kris Castro.

I shepherd marketplace and ministry leaders into the fullness that Jesus wants for them according to John 10:10, and inspire and encourage them to courageously launch into their next level of faith and growth with Jesus. By developing an Adventure Mindset, they can lead from an “upside down” perspective as Jesus did – stepping into the unknown and boldly fighting the good fight to finish the race (2 Tim 4:7-8) He has divinely and uniquely selected for them to significantly impact their sphere of influence for His glory.

I often work with a variety of leaders either seeking changes for the better or seeking deeper levels of growth in some way. Change can be hard – especially when a person is thrown into a challenging situation without any warning.

That happened to me years ago when I found myself in a roller coaster season of uncertainty within extremely difficult circumstances. Day after day I felt as though I was losing myself, one piece at at time. The overwhelm of dealing with that situation for a significantly long period – without any noticeable improvement – eventually caused me to crash and burn out. I hit bottom, and that’s when my Shift happened.

I recognized my mindset was going to either make or break me. Jesus also began to show me that I can only control myself. Trying to force things to happen was doing more harm than good, and the illusion of attempting to make others do their part to address the situation was only causing more anger and frustration within me.

I made the choice to “pick myself off the floor” and do things differently. After a series of lessons I learned along the way, I stepped into a new season of life where I can walk through chaos and uncertainty with more consistent inner peace and joy – regardless of the situation.

Whether you are currently at that turning point and want someone who has walked through hard places to come along side you, providing support and insight to “fast-track” your journey – or in a good place but simply want “more” than what you are experiencing right now – let’s have coffee!

I love helping my clients develop an Adventure Mindset to journey through difficult seasons (instead of being frustrated, disappointed, or fearful in those circumstances) which often positions them for a breakthrough.

You have God-sized dreams and deserve a Jesus-centered coach who champions your journey towards a flourishing experience and Kingdom impact in every area of your life and work.

When clients work with me, I create personalized programs that help them 1) align their life and work more deeply with Jesus, 2) create an unwavering belief in His ability to provide everything they need, and 3) develop a holy perseverance to overcome whatever obstacles they may encounter – all of which ultimately results in a lifestyle of bold risks, inner  peace, joy, and fulfillment personally and professionally.

Shift Inc. is known for creating transformational environments that produce desired results to help you go faster and farther than you would on your own.

Christian Women reach out to us when they are weary of spinning their wheels despite doing “all the right things” to move towards their professional and personal goals, and often feel alone in that journey because they don’t have anyone to support and encouragement them as they navigate those challenges.

We offer personalized support through 1:1 and group programs, as well as a variety of self-paced resources designed to launch you forward into the “more” you are seeking in every life area.

What makes us different than other companies is that we understand Jesus has a unique growth plan for each person – so “cookie-cutter” programs are not effective. Therefore we approach growth as a “3-cord strand” Team (Ecclesiastes 4:12) where the coach, the client and Jesus prayerfully create the plan together and then walk it out with faith according to Hebrews 10:35-36 which states, “So don’t throw away that courage of yours, which carries with it such a great reward. For you need to hold out; so that, by having done what God wills, you may receive what he has promised [CJB].”

If that resonates with you, schedule a “Coffee & Conversation” meeting with me today.

We can explore any stumbling blocks that might be holding you back and open doors to endless possibilities through Jesus. Be inspirational in Christ.

Our conversation could be the  first step towards experiencing the Results, Relief and Restoration you desire in EVERY area of your life. :)

OUR GUARANTEE: We can’t promise you will achieve the results you are seeking (since no one can foretell the future), but what we can do is guarantee to honor the agreements we make before you begin working with us and before you purchase anything. For 1:1 and group coaching programs, if in the first 30 days you are not happy with your experience, we guarantee to refund the purchase amount you previously paid when you request it in writing on or before day 30.

Schedule a Coffee & Conversation

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Click on the button below to watch a short video about the meeting.


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My "Crazy" Adventure with the Lord

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