Program & Product Options To Enhance Your Growth Journey

If you’re looking at this page, you are likely in a season of life that requires a different approach, enhanced skills, or even a whole new path towards your objectives.

Before you click away, here’s something you may not realize:  Anything unfamiliar you move towards is often more likely to succeed when you collaborate with others on that journey. As the old African Proverb says:  “If you want to go fast, go it alone. If you want to go long, go with others.”

You’re not on this site by accident because I love to journey into the unknown with people who are ready to reach their next level of growth in alignment towards whatever they are seeking in this season of life.

There are many options to move forward, and it all starts with scheduling a Coffee & Conversation meeting.

Feel free to review the information below, and set that meeting up by clicking on the “schedule” button. I look forward to talking to you soon!  :)  ~Kris Castro


Marketplace Leaders, Ministry Leaders, and Team Coaching Programs:

Individual Programs as well as Group Programs are designed to discover how to forge new paths to be a catalyst for positive impact wherever God has planted you within your sphere of influence.

Executive & Leadership Coaching Programs will:

a) Help your company and team to begin performing like a gold medal athlete, giving you and your senior staff the freedom to create new strategies to reach your next level of success.

b) Allow your staff to have a clear understanding of how their daily responsibilities connect to the company’s long-term goals and take more ownership of their roles.

c) Support you to be a more effective leader and deepen client and staff relationships, leading to increased retention and profitability.

Individual & Life Coaching Programs will:

a) Help you reach your divinely designed potential, deepen your intimacy with the Lord, and cultivate a holy perseverance to overcome whatever obstacles you may encounter along the way, resulting in a lifestyle of bold risks, inner peace, joy, and fulfillment personally and professionally.  

b) Support you through rapid, yet intensive transitions to stay on top of your game.

Examples may include: New Responsibilities, Business Challenges, Promotions (or desire to develop better leadership skills to gain a promotion), Family Changes, Starting new businesses, Relationship Changes, or Moving to a new location and having to start over.